What does the Whitsundays of the future look like, and why?
What are the current major drivers of change and points of resistance?
What we need to do now to future proof tomorrow?
Last year the Whitsundays Chamber of Commerce and Industry engaged the business community to explore these questions with the aim to articulate an economic vision for the Whitsundays informed by the region’s trades, small business, commerce, and industry.
The Chamber’s Vision for the Whitsundays project is currently completing its research phase which captured just over 130 perspectives through formal submissions, online survey, and focus groups, as well as reviewing other sources of data and reports.
The aim is to build a comprehensive economic vision that aligns with the region’s unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations.
“Having a united, clear vision of the future designed by business for business is urgently needed. What follows is relevant advocacy, representing our vision and influencing decisions across all levels of government” said Chamber President Allan Milostic.
The business community has helped shape a vibrant and resilient future for the Whitsunday region.
“The conversations have been rich and diverse, drawing on the perspectives of our young people and community elders, explored possibilities on sustainability and resilience, arts and culture, innovation and technology to identify drivers of economic growth unique to our region” said Allan.
The Chamber will release the full report in the coming months, presenting priorities and possibilities for economic development, infrastructure, key retail and commercial precincts, environment and sustainability, education and training, workforce and employment, community liveability, culture and heritage, tourism, and innovation and digitalisation.
The Vision for the Whitsundays project is totally independent and apolitical, and wholly initiated and undertaken by the Chamber. This project has not been commissioned or funded by local, state, or federal government, department, or agency.